Stop Making Excuses

Stop blaming othersPlease stop making excuses or blaming others if you’re not enjoying the success you had hoped to achieve at this point in your life.

I know from personal experience that it is all too easy to blame someone else for our misfortune, shortcomings, failures, or the lack of achievement in fulfilling our goals, dreams and hopes for the future.

The blame game is as old as humanity itself – since Adam & Eve ate the forbidden fruit in the Garden and Eden.

But the truth is this:

Our lack of achievement is our fault.  

Actually, it’s our choice.

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Feed Your Mind For Success

Today We Are Rich Tim SandersIf you want to live on purpose, you need to think on purpose too. So says best-selling author Tim Sanders in his newly-released book Today We Are Rich:  Harnessing the Power of Total Confidence.

In Today We Are Rich, Sanders shares seven lifestyle principles that turned his life around – twice:

  1. Feed your mind good stuff
  2. Move the conversation forward
  3. Exercise your gratitude muscle
  4. Give to be rich
  5. Prepare your self
  6. Balance your confidence
  7. Promise made, promise kept

I just finished reading the first chapter, “Feed your mind good stuff,” from Today We Are Rich, (you can read this free excerpt from the book too at, and I can already tell this book is going to be one of my favorites.  After all, Sanders is one of my favorite authors, having written great books like Love is the Killer App, Saving the World at Work, and The Likeability Factor. [Read more…]

Finding Happiness at Work

What’s the key to finding happiness at work?  Is it a great boss?  Wonderful perks?  Flexible hours?  Top salary?  Nope!

According to a recent article by Jon Gordon at Guideposts, happiness isn’t determined so much by external forces, but by internal ones. “Happiness is an inside job,” Gordon said.  “Our happiness comes not from the work we do but from how we feel about the work we do.”

I guess this explains why I’ve met lots of people who have seemingly great jobs and get paid lots of money, but are unhappy.  And people who are as happy as could be, but have a job that others would find menial and low-paying.  What about you?

Increase your Happiness at Work

So, if it’s not all about the money, perks and how great our boss is, how can we increase our happiness at work? Gordon offers several tips: [Read more…]

How to Save Time, Reduce Stress, and Improve Your Work Life Balance

Marc and Angel Hack Life recently shared a list of 30 ways to save 30 minutes a day.  Their entire list of time saving ideas is great from a productivity perspective, but I noticed that some can also reduce stress and increase our sense of work-life balance:

#3 – Eliminate all distractions for a set time
#4 – Narrow the number of ventures you’re involved in
#5 – Plan ahead and start early (I definitely need to do more of this)
#6 – Organize your space (And this one)
#12 – Don’t mindlessly browse online ad infinitum
#15 – Write things down
#17 – Stop overanalyzing things (Yep, good reminder for me)
#22 – Just Say No!
#23 – Focus your attention on just one thing at a time (As I grow older, I’m finding that I’d rather focus on one thing than multitask on many things at the same time.) [Read more…]

Letting Go of the Past: Wisdom from Sparky Anderson

Legendary baseball manager Sparky Anderson died last week at the age of 76.  When I was a teen he managed the Detroit Tigers – my favorite team – and led them to win the World Series in 1984.

As I read a USA Today story about his death, I was struck by a quote that was attributed to him:

“I’ve got my faults, but living in the past is not one of them.  There’s no future in it.”

How true!  Literally, there’s no future when we live in the past.

But sometimes we find ourselves stuck in the past, because of mistakes we’ve made or wrongs that others have done to us.

So how can we let go of the past and move forward in life?  Here are a few tips: [Read more…]

I Don’t Care What They Say About Me!

I really couldn’t care less about what you or others say or think about me!

Now, don’t get me wrong – It’s not that I don’t want to be liked or well thought of. But I’ve decided that what you think or say shouldn’t determine who I am, how I think about myself, or even how I respond to you.

Do you know anyone who worries about what others think, or is still mad at someone else for something they said many years ago?  Yeah, me too.

The subject came up recently in our family, as one of our kids was angry at another over something that was said about them.  To my wife and me, the person who was angry should have had a sense of humor and just shrugged it off.  Instead, he allowed it to consume him, and he sought revenge. [Read more…]