The Best Shortcut to Goal Achievement

Short cut to achieving goalsYears ago, I heard someone say there are no shortcuts to achieving your goals, because anything worth achieving will require hard work.

While I believe this is true, to an extent, I also believe there’s no need to work any harder than you have to!

What if you could develop a short cut that allowed you to do some of your work once, and let it benefit you over and over again?

Orison Swett Marden, founder of Success Magazine (back in 1897), discovered one such shortcut to goal achievement. He said:

“A good system shortens the road to the goal.”

What is a System?

What is a system? A system is simply a certain way or method of achieving a goal. A system often helps you save time, effort, and money, because once it is created, you follow it over and over and over.

You can systematize just about any goal or process, by breaking it down in a “systematic” way. In other words, in a way that flows naturally, step-by-step.

One beautiful thing about a system is that you set it up once, and, so long as you keep feeding it, it continues to work for you until you stop it.

Another great thing is that you don’t even have to be around to run the system. Once you do the hard work of creating it to flow just the way you want it, you can train anyone else, anywhere else, to carry it out, if you choose.

This helps you achieve your goals faster, and frees you up for other worthwhile pursuits.

Your life is already impacted by systems, whether you realize it or not. Stores, restaurants, gas stations, telephone companies, schools, governments, etc., all run according to a certain system.

Which proves the point that thousands of successful people have learned to systematize and streamline their goals for greater success.

Setting Up Your Goal Achievement System

So how can you enjoy the benefits of a system in your life? Whatever your goals are, see if you can break them down in a systematic way:

  • What things need to be done step-by-step?
  • What can be done all at once?
  • What can you outsource to others?
  • What can only you do?

Then create a simple plan which includes each step you need to take, who needs to take it, and when it needs to be taken.

Once created, your system will become your plan or roadmap for accelerating the achievement of your goals — if you follow it.

I’ve already systematized – and automated – some aspects of my life, including some of my work flow, most bill payments and savings.  But I’m already thinking of more things I can systematize in my life, to help me achieve my goals quicker.

What about you? What systems do you already have in place to help you achieve your goals?  Or what things could you systematize to help you achieve your goals faster?

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