You Don’t Have to Be a Millionaire to Do What You Love

Do the work you loveIf you’ve ever worked through a life planning process on your own or with a life coach, you’ve probably been asked a question like “What would you do with your life if someone gave you a million dollars?” But have you ever thought that it just might happen? It did for mega millionaire Steve White.

On Thursday’s edition of The O’Reilly Factor, host Bill O’Reilly did a segment on two people who won big in the lottery. He asked them what was the worse thing that happened to them through the experience, and also how it had changed their lives.

The topic is timely because of the recent $588 million Powerball jackpot that will apparently be split between two winners.

One person featured on the show, Steven White, won over $200 million, but after taxes received a lump-sum of only $60 million.

I can’t believe I just used the words “only” and “$60 million” in the same sentence!

White’s prize had been the largest in Powerball history at the time – in May of 2004.

Anyway, as White talked about his experience, O’Reilly asked him what he ended up doing with his money.  White replied that he loved cars and airplanes, so he decided to find a way to build businesses around those two things.

He said, “They say if you do what you love, you’ll never work a day in your life.”

Yup, I’ve heard that before, from Dan Miller, author of 48 Days to the Work You Love.  And I’ve experienced it in my own life.  It’s not that we don’t have work to do when we’re doing what we love. But it doesn’t feel like a drudgery.  It enriches us and fulfills us. It matters.

So, the next time someone asks you what you’d do if someone gave you a million dollars, I’d recommend you really take the time to figure out your answers. Because it just might happen.

But you don’t have to win the lottery or be a millionaire to do what you love!

I believe everyone can identify their skills and abilities, clarify their values, dreams and passions, and create a plan to find and do the work you were made for.

And 48 Days to the Work You Love is a great resource that has helped tens of thousands of people to do just that! I know it can help you too.

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The blame game is as old as humanity itself – since Adam & Eve ate the forbidden fruit in the Garden and Eden.

But the truth is this:

Our lack of achievement is our fault.  

Actually, it’s our choice.

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I read something recently which really got me thinking about how to put the dissapointments of the past into perspective while moving forward into the future to achieve our goals in a more clear and focused way.

It’s from The Slight Edge by Jeff Olson, an excellent book that I’ve been reading each week with my teenage sons:

One of the quickest and most direct routes to getting yourself up and onto the success curve is to get out of the past. Review the past, but only for the purpose of making a better plan. Review it, understand and take responsibility for the errors you’ve made, and use it as a tool to do differently in the future. And don’t spend a great deal of time doing even that! – the future is a far better tool than the past. The future is your most powerful tool and your best friend. Devote some serious, focused time and effort into designing a crystal-clear picture of where you’re going.[Read more…]

Are You Sitting on a Million Dollar Idea?

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Have you found your idea yet?

Thomas Edison said “Ideas are waiting to be discovered.”

And speaking of idea discovery, Albert Szent-Gyorgi explains that “Discovery lies in seeing what everyone sees, but thinking what no one else has thought.”

Don’t think you have to have an original idea, or that you can’t do something because someone else has already thought of it or is doing it.

No one else has your thoughts about the subject, or your unique experiences that can be brought to bear on the idea.

And chances are good that no one else is taking action on the idea anyway, or at least in the way you’d do it yourself.

Few people take real and sustained action on their ideas, to see them through from start to profit, causing one observer to say: “The capacity to do something with an idea is what distinguishes a leader from others.”

Everyone’s got an idea. Few make it personal. Fewer make it happen.

What will you do with your idea? What’s one step you can take this week to make it a reality?

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Are you harnessing the power of TODAY?

Motivational speaker Stephen Pierce says:

“The difference between what you had yesterday and what you’ll have tomorrow is hidden in what you do today.”

I know, today is just one day, right?  But it is the day you have right now.

Yesterday has passed.  And there’s no guarantee of a tomorrow.

All we have is today.

Today can be spent on come-what-may.  Or it can be invested toward your worthwhile goals and dreams.

So…what’s one thing you can do TODAY to help you reach your preferred future tomorrow?

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Want to Find Your Dream Job? Read “Caught Between a Dream and a Job”

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Who This Book is For

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