Stop Making Excuses

Stop blaming othersPlease stop making excuses or blaming others if you’re not enjoying the success you had hoped to achieve at this point in your life.

I know from personal experience that it is all too easy to blame someone else for our misfortune, shortcomings, failures, or the lack of achievement in fulfilling our goals, dreams and hopes for the future.

The blame game is as old as humanity itself – since Adam & Eve ate the forbidden fruit in the Garden and Eden.

But the truth is this:

Our lack of achievement is our fault.  

Actually, it’s our choice.

If you’re not living the life you want to live, achieving your goals and dreams, or doing the work you love, don’t blame…

  • God
  • The rich
  • The economy
  • The stock market
  • The president
  • Your boss
  • Your spouse
  • Your kids
  • Your parents
  • Your education
  • Your past hurts or pain
  • Wrongs others have done
  • Lack of money or other resources

Instead learn to make better choices that lead to better results – the results you want to achieve in your life.

If It’s Going to Be, It’s Up to Me

Years ago, I heard Robert H. Schuller say something that really stuck with me:

“If it’s going to be, it’s up to me.”

What he meant was…

  1. Instead of waiting for others to give us permission to act, we need to take permission to follow our dreams and take control of our life.
  2. Instead of blaming others for our lack of achievement, we need to take action.  No one else has our best interest in mind like we do.
  3. Instead of making excuses for our life situation, we need to design the life and lifestyle we want.

Turn Excuses into Success

If you’ve had a habit of making excuses or blaming others for why you’re not living the life you’ve wanted to live, take the time to work through these three questions to help you turn your excuses into success.

  1. What are your three biggest excuses for why you’re not living the life you’ve wanted to live?
  2. What is the truth about each excuse.  Is there any truth to the excuse at all?  If so, write it down. If not, then what is the real truth?
  3. What can you do to turn that excuse into a possible solution?  Think of one or two ways you can use the truth of each excuse to your advantage, or ways you can overcome each excuse.

Successful people don’t blame others or make excuses.  Instead, they look for solutions and take action that will lead to the successful achievement of their goals and dreams.

How have you overcome excuses or blame in your life? 

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