Keeping Promises to Yourself

Keeping promises to yourselfI’ve noticed that I often have more motivation to accomplish goals and tasks at work, or for others, than my own personal goals and tasks.

Have you experienced this too?

Like the builder who constructs great homes for others, but hasn’t finished his own personal home remodeling project? Or the doctor who takes good care of other people, but not herself?

Lawrence LeShan observed this phenomenon when he said:

“Most of us are pretty good at keeping promises to others and pretty bad at keeping promises to ourselves.”

Why is this? [Read more…]

8 Tips for Getting a Job in a Bad Economy

8 tips to find a job in a bad economyFinding the right job or career is a challenge anytime.  But for many, it’s never been harder to find a job than right now, in today’s bad economy.

We’ve all heard stories, or know of people, who have been looking for a job for a year or more.

And for recent college graduates and teens looking for summer work, the big problem is that job opportunities for teens and young adults are still lacking.

So if you’re looking for work, or looking to change jobs (by the way, career planning does still work in a down economy), Careerealism shared 8 golden rules to help you get a job in a bad economy. Here they are, along with my take on them: [Read more…]

The Secret to Success

Secret to successAre you still searching for that “one thing” that will guarantee your success?

Seems like just about everyone is searching for the “one thing.” I’ve been there myself, too. Thinking that if I just bought this one product, then my problems would be solved.  Or if I attended this one certain event or conference, then I’ll have what it takes to be a success. Or if I took this one step or action then all my dreams will fall into place.

But it doesn’t work. At least, it hasn’t worked yet for me. And why not? [Read more…]

Poke the Box

Poke the Box review“When was the last time you did something for the first time?  How did it feel?”  – Seth Godin

I just heard Seth Godin talk about his latest book, Poke the Box, in an interview by Mitch Joel on his Six Pixels of Separation podcast.  I loved the interview, and I can’t wait to read the book.

Godin’s message in Poke the Box is nothing new, but something we all need to be reminded of.  Here it is, in a nutshell:

Do something. Take action.  Don’t wait for permission. Take initiative.  Take risks. Do something new.  Don’t wait for people to tell you you have something worthy to say.  Start saying it and see if anyone follows.  Ship something.  Don’t be afraid to fail.  If you fail, do it again a different way.  Make a difference.

We live in a risk-averse culture.  People want to play it safe.  The problem is, when we play it “safe,” it costs us.  We’re all poorer because of it.  Why?  Because we miss out on the creative ability of millions of people who have an idea inside of them that could make the world a better place. [Read more…]

The “Secret Sauce” for Successful Goal Achievement

Goal achievement successIs there a “secret sauce,” or special ingredient that increases your chance for success in achieving your goals and dreams?  I think so, and here’s why…

Everybody has dreams they would like to make reality.

Some translate those dreams into a vision – a vivid imagination of what could be.  Some translate that vision into written goals.  Some take those written goals and break them down into smaller actionable goals.  And some take action on those goals and make them a reality.

With each step, the number of people who actually take the step gets smaller and smaller.  Why?

Because everyone has a dream, but not everyone is willing to do what it takes to make that dream a reality.  We’re not all willing to fully prepare, actively do the work, and pay the price to make it happen.

There’s one last step – the “secret sauce”, if you will – that greatly increases our chance for success in achieving our goals – but an even smaller number of people do it:  The weekly review. [Read more…]

Three Words for Greater Focus & Clarity

Focus, clarity, work life balanceJust three words can bring you greater clarity, focus, and work-life balance…

The first quarter of 2011 is in the books!  January, February and March are history. Did you accomplish all you had hoped for in the first three months of 2011?

If so…Congratulations!!!

If not…What will make the difference for you over the next three quarters, or just in this next quarter for April, May and June?  What will help you stay focused in achieving your goals and dreams?

Here’s a tip I learned from Chris Brogan on how to bring clarity and focus to the next season of life and work:

Identify three words that will be the guiding pillars for what you will focus on for the next three months….three words that will guide all your actions and efforts.

[Read more…]