New Years Resolutions: Ten Ways to Increase Your Chance for Success

Recently at Life Compass Blog, we’ve been talking about how to improve your success in achieving New Years Resolutions.  Here are ten tips that can help:

  1. Turn your resolutions into goals by specifically identifying what you want to accomplish and when you want to accomplish it.
  2. Be specific in setting your goals.  Write them down.
  3. Be realistic in your expectations and deadlines.
  4. Identify resources or tools that can help.  For most goals, “there’s an app for that.”
  5. Identify obstacles that could keep you from achieving your goal, and potential solutions.
  6. Enlist the support of a mentor or accountability partner who will encourage you toward the achievement of your goals.
  7. Set aside a specific time each day or week to work on your goals.
  8. Virtualize your success – imagine what your life would be like, in vivid detail, when these goals are achieved.  Begin to act now like you’ve already achieved them.
  9. Keep track of your time invested and progress made.  You must inspect what you expect.
  10. Plan to reward yourself when each goal is accomplished.  It doesn’t have to be expensive or a big deal, but plan to reward yourself when you accomplish your goal.

A little thought and planning right now will help to propel you forward toward the successful achievement of your New Year’s Resolutions.   Why not get started in changing your life today?


  1. Thanks for the reminders Rich. I always forge the part about rewarding myself. I guess I’ve determined that once I’ve reached my goal that THAT’S my reward.
    I also choose to use affirmations, a slogan, a movie, a song, and a theme to help me stay focused. My theme this yr is DISCIPLINE…so far so good. You can read these fun things that I’ve selected to help me throughout the yr

  2. Rich, I love this list. Going to print it out for my kids (we’re working on goal setting here at our house). I’ve spent the last few weeks working on my goals for 2010, and the item here that I’m finding very powerful, after writing down measurable, actionable goals, is #5 – looking at what barriers/obstacles that stand in the way of achieving the goal and brainstorming how to get around those barriers. Determining what’s holding me back and just finding ways to over come that barrier. It’s amazing the progress I’ve made just in this last week by doing that.

    Love the site!

    • Shannon, thanks for your comment. My original list had 9 points and did not include what is now #5. But then I began thinking about some of the obstacles that I knew could keep me from achieving my New Year’s Resolution, and I realized I had to add that to the list.


  3. I’m going to print this. I like the idea of rewarding myself for doing ‘it right’. I’m really into #9 – when I start a project, I like to monitor the results. Thanks for sharing.

  4. Excellent advice! I’ve been doing some of these already with great success. I’ll make a note of the others you mentioned so I can work them into my success plan, too.

  5. I love #4 – specifically that for most things: There’s an app for that. So very true!
    I am finally breaking down and enlisting the help of a mentor (#6) to try to propel my business into huge success this year. I would love to form a mastermind group as well this year.
    Great tips all around 🙂

  6. Great list and awesome advice!

    Had to laugh when I saw #4 as well, I can’t believe the apps out there. I definitely don’t use 1/2 the ones I have added to my iphone.

    I like to keep track in writing the progress I have made. I have a workout journal and of course a blog where I stay accountable to my readers.

    Hope you have a fantastic 2010!

  7. Love all these tips. Taking the time to plan things out is very important as we can clearly see everything laid out and be accountable for where we are going.
    Great advice -)
    All the best,

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