5 Simple Steps to Achieve Your Goals by Year’s End

Remember all those New Years Resolutions you decided to make on January 1, 2009?  All those things that you hoped would be different this year? Or those goals you had hoped to achieve?

How’s it going so far?  It might seem hard to believe, but we’re already into September!  If you’ve achieved or are making steady progress toward the goals you set in January, congratulations!

If you’re not achieving the success you had hoped to achieve by this time of the year, I have good news for you.  There’s still time!

Here are 5 Simple Steps You Can Take TODAY to Finish the Year Strong…

1.  Pick the top 3 or 4 things you just HAVE to be, do, have by the end of the year.

2.  Make a simple plan to achieve them.  Just think it through, step by step.  What needs to happen first?  Then what’s next?  And what’s next after that?

3.  Decide how much time and money you’ll need to dedicate for these goals. You might also have to think of some trade-offs, or things that you’ll need to stop doing, or change how you do, if you’re going to be able to get done these 3 or 4 top goals.  For example, you might need to cut back in some areas in order to focus on these goals.

4.  Identify people or resources that can help. Who are the people who can help you achieve these goals?  Ask them for help, or to hold you accountable.  What tools or resources do you need in order to achieve these goals?  Get them and get going.

Remember, late November and the entire month of December are busier times of the year for many.  If that describes you, then make a plan to get these top 3 or 4 things done by the end of November.

5.  Virtualize Your Success. Your mind is a powerful ally in achieving success.  But it is also your worst enemy.  To successfully achieve these goals, you must virtualize your success.

First, Imagine how great you’ll feel at year’s end, knowing that you’ve accomplished your goals.  Second, use the power of your mind to envision how your life is different once these goals have been achieved.  Third, see yourself, in your mind’s eye, taking each step that is needed in order to achieve your goals. Fourth, envision the goal being completed.

Engage in this virtualization process every day.  It’ll help you stay motivated and will retrain your subconscious for success, propelling you toward the successful achievement of your goals by year’s end.


  1. Glad I found your site. Thanks for the reminder. I had heard of visualization but not virtualization.

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