Best Personal Growth Blog Posts of 2010

Personal Strategic PlanThe topic of personal growth is on just about everyone’s mind here at the end of the year, and for good reason.

It is natural for us to look back on the last year to assess the progress we’ve made in our life toward our goals and dreams, and look forward to what we hope to accomplish in the new year.

Of course, we can think about personal growth all we want. But nothing happens until something moves. Until we put our thoughts and ideas onto paper. Until we make a plan. Until we take a step. And then another. And then another.

Growth takes action. We don’t grow by gaining more and more knowledge…we grow by putting that knowledge into action.

So here are my best personal growth blog posts of 2010, along with my sincere wish that 2011 will be a banner year of personal growth and development for both you and me as we continue to take action toward our goals and dreams.

Warren Buffett’s Best Investment Advice: Invest in Yourself

Warren Buffett, one of America’s wealthiest people, is famously followed for his investing views and strategies. Yet his advice on “the best investment you can make” takes some by surprise.

Click to read Warren Buffett’s Best Investment Advice:  Invest in Yourself

Are You Reaching Your Full Potential?

“When Abraham Lincoln was your age, he walked 10 miles to school each day,” said a father to his son who was complaining about walking to school. The son replied, “Yeah, and when Abraham Lincoln was your age, he was President of the United States.”

Do you ever get the sense that you’re not all you could be? That you’re not reaching your full potential? Or are you concerned about helping your child or grandchild reach their full potential?

That’s a big passion area for me. I want to be the kind of person who lives to my full potential and achieves all I am capable of achieving. And I want to inspire and equip others to do the same.

Click to read Are You Reaching Your Full Potential?

How to Reach Your Full Potential

I define “reaching your full potential” as being the best “you” that you can be. Being in your sweet spot where you feel the most fulfilled, the most on-purpose, and where you’re making the greatest difference in the world.  Knowing who you are, what you’re good at, and how to maximize that for the greatest good.

So how do you reach your full potential? The journey begins with a process of self-discovery and introspection, where you take a good, long, look at yourself by…

Click to read How to Reach Your Full Potential

Creativity and Personal Development

Is there a relationship between creativity and personal development?  It’s been on my mind recently, thanks to news stories and blog postings I’ve read about motivating creativity in poor economic times, creativity in business, and creativity and innovation.

In addition, my wife and I were just discussing how we can better foster an environment of creativity for our kids, whom we home school.

Somehow, in the last week or two, I ran across a very thought-provoking video of Sir Ken Robinson, speaking at TED, who said, “We don’t grow into creativity, we grow out of it.  Or rather, we get educated out of it.

Click to read Creativity and Personal Development

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